[TOT: 1.046.720.000] vYx [AFGB] vs. Medyux [Zion] (A: 38.240.000, D: 1.008.480.000)

  • Salutare,

    @Zion... astept cu interes replica! (Fleet-wise)


    On 09-11-2019 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker vYx [AFGB]


    Battleship 92.061

    Battlecruiser 34.833


    Defender Medyux [Zion]


    Large Cargo 7.500

    Light Fighter 28.000

    Bomber 2.000

    Destroyer 1.900

    Deathstar 7

    Battlecruiser 3.750

    Rocket Launcher 101

    Light Laser 14


    After the battle ...

    Attacker vYx [AFGB]


    Battleship 91.622 ( -439 )

    Battlecruiser 34.693 ( -140 )


    Defender Medyux [Zion]




    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:

    198.750.000 Metal, 0 Crystal and 37.876.326 Deuterium

    49.687.500 Metal, 0 Crystal and 9.469.081 Deuterium

    12.421.875 Metal, 0 Crystal and 2.367.270 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 38.240.000 units.

    Total damage attacker including follow-ups: 38.244.000 units.

    The defender lost a total of 1.008.480.000 units.

    Total damage defender including follow-ups: 1.008.770.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 360.118.500 metal and 285.729.500 crystal.

    Extra debris caused by the follow-up(s): 1.400 metal and 1.400 crystal.

    The attacker captured a total of 310.572.052 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.


    Debris harvested by the attacker(s):

    360.119.900 Metal and 285.730.900 Crystal

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 597.022.275

    Crystal: 273.543.900

    Deuterium: 47.612.677

    The attacker(s) made a profit of 918.178.852 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -751.864.375

    Crystal: -396.015.000

    Deuterium: -171.462.677

    The defender(s) lost a total of 1.319.342.052 units.

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    The post was edited 1 time, last by vYxx ().

  • Va asigur ca demersurile echipei portocalii au ca scop general - crearea unui mediu de joc bazat pe egalitate de sanse si respectarea regulamentului.

    Si o sa te rog frumos si preteneşte sa oprim discutiile despre ban'uri pe board.

    Disutia, aici, e despre flota lui Medyux. Care e acum flota mea :d

  • Disutia, aici, e despre flota lui Medyux. Care e acum flota mea :d

    Iti zic eu ca am invatat pe de rost replica lu Brandon.... CUm ai putut sa ataci un cont din Zion cand tu ai 4x puncte decat el.....pentru o mana de profit....urat,urat....:))))

    L-ai prins pana la urma ....Si intr-un mare fel ....Felicitari Vyxx....Frumos profit :D

  • felicitari felicitari!!!!dar daca preluati si preluati conturi ,unde e farmecul???vyxx si siner???cum se face ca dupa ploaie e soare mereu pe strada voastra???

  • felicitari felicitari!!!!dar daca preluati si preluati conturi ,unde e farmecul???vyxx si siner???cum se face ca dupa ploaie e soare mereu pe strada voastra???

    Se numeste joc de echipa si prietenie. De aia rasare soarele la noi, mai tot timpul...nu e atat de greu, e ceva logic si de bun simt.

    Felicitari vYxx.

    FR def.

    Prin banul pe Most sa omorat un server intreg, aveti top 5 flote pe uni, credeti ca mai intoarce cineva?

    Asa, si...? Consideri ca e tot o "manevra" de-a noastra, sau cum...? Banul e, mai mult ca sigur, foarte meritat...si atat. Restul sunt povesti. Hai, sa aveti spor !