[TOT: 242.813.000] Sinnerman [AFGB] vs. Luxor [Empire] (A: 14.280.000, D: 228.533.000)

  • Ceva mic dat in timp ce savuram cafeaua :coffee: .. Refacere usoara aparator... Hit dedicat colegilor :beer:

    On 23-02-2019 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker Sinnerman [AFGB]

    Battlecruiser 6.500

    Defender Luxor [Empire]

    Small Cargo 1.874
    Light Fighter 6.407
    Heavy Fighter 140
    Cruiser 1.719
    Battleship 1.132
    Recycler 156
    Bomber 2
    Destroyer 30
    Deathstar 1
    Battlecruiser 700

    After the battle ...

    Attacker Sinnerman [AFGB]

    Battlecruiser 6.332 ( -168 )

    Defender Luxor [Empire]


    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:
    0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 708.146 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 14.280.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 228.533.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 100.540.300 metal and 56.653.800 crystal.
    The attacker captured a total of 708.146 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
    The attacker(s) captured the debris.

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)
    Metal: 95.500.300
    Crystal: 49.933.800
    Deuterium: -1.811.854
    The attacker(s) made a profit of 143.622.246 units.

    Summary defender(s)
    Metal: -138.589.000
    Crystal: -74.214.000
    Deuterium: -16.438.146
    The defender(s) lost a total of 229.241.146 units.

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  • e univers x1. Sinnerman, la tine cat dureaza savurarea cafelei ?? :))))
    Felicitari, frumos profit!!

    Sunt atât de inteligent, încât niciodată nu înţeleg nimic din ceea ce spun. (Oscar Wilde)