DESCRIEREA ATACULUI SE AFLA IN REPLY MAI JOS. OGame m-a cenzurat doar la 10.000 caractere
On 06-01-2025 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Governor Neutrino [Ancients]
Light Fighter 13.733.078
Heavy Fighter 1.884.946
Cruiser 5.885.937
Battleship 945.743
Espionage Probe 3.915.555
Bomber 202.847
Destroyer 182.343
Deathstar 5.972
Battlecruiser 1.376.568
Reaper 801.468
Pathfinder 512.450
Attacker Scotch x Flush [Ancients]
Large Cargo 3.900.000
Light Fighter 603.370
Heavy Fighter 77.944
Cruiser 431.968
Battleship 511.710
Bomber 4.957
Destroyer 241.353
Deathstar 1.200
Battlecruiser 3.310.044
Reaper 2.636
Pathfinder 26.649
Attacker Hopaa [Ancients]
Light Fighter 655.985
Heavy Fighter 254.034
Cruiser 123.329
Battleship 71.972
Espionage Probe 664.063
Bomber 22.058
Destroyer 393.930
Deathstar 977
Battlecruiser 27.982
Reaper 11.567
Pathfinder 110.160
Attacker Berzelius [Ancients]
Small Cargo 1.013.293
Light Fighter 10.275.799
Heavy Fighter 365.993
Cruiser 1.428.684
Battleship 1.018.794
Espionage Probe 2.800.000
Bomber 50.713
Destroyer 34.711
Battlecruiser 176.593
Reaper 27.505
Pathfinder 156.835
Attacker speedy [Ancients]
Light Fighter 2.483.771
Cruiser 71.960
Battlecruiser 569.952
Reaper 176.875
Defender Leonidas [RBR]
Small Cargo 1.113.219
Large Cargo 138.371
Light Fighter 1.246.189
Heavy Fighter 51.006
Cruiser 593.487
Battleship 570.423
Colony Ship 20
Recycler 419.304
Espionage Probe 928.374
Bomber 92.062
Solar Satellite 600
Destroyer 158.244
Deathstar 1.221
Battlecruiser 533.500
Crawler 985
Reaper 43.819
Pathfinder 210.310
Rocket Launcher 204.688
Light Laser 6.504
Heavy Laser 137.666
Gauss Cannon 96
Ion Cannon 417
Plasma Turret 83.208
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
Defender DOCfather
Light Fighter 8.451.676
Heavy Fighter 52.166
Cruiser 9.493
Battleship 5.622
Espionage Probe 657.440
Bomber 5.064
Destroyer 5.092
Deathstar 7.501
Battlecruiser 7.961
Reaper 3.901
Pathfinder 50.164
Defender Namelless [RBR]
Light Fighter 3.764.638
Heavy Fighter 491.236
Cruiser 1.021.329
Battleship 1.168.989
Bomber 64.186
Destroyer 76.732
Deathstar 1.316
Battlecruiser 727.438
Reaper 32.746
Pathfinder 229.770
Defender Ombly [RBR]
Small Cargo 1.381.660
Light Fighter 4.561.195
Heavy Fighter 274.036
Cruiser 524.818
Battleship 104.459
Bomber 4.494
Destroyer 101.947
Battlecruiser 404.433
Reaper 109.695
Pathfinder 99.359
After the battle ...
Attacker Governor Neutrino [Ancients]
Light Fighter 8.673.937 ( -5.059.141 )
Heavy Fighter 1.397.216 ( -487.730 )
Cruiser 5.292.233 ( -593.704 )
Battleship 895.846 ( -49.897 )
Espionage Probe 1.868.825 ( -2.046.730 )
Bomber 193.546 ( -9.301 )
Destroyer 174.573 ( -7.770 )
Deathstar 5.972 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 1.313.911 ( -62.657 )
Reaper 767.660 ( -33.808 )
Pathfinder 447.917 ( -64.533 )
Attacker Scotch x Flush [Ancients]
Large Cargo 3.152.787 ( -747.213 )
Light Fighter 380.171 ( -223.199 )
Heavy Fighter 56.910 ( -21.034 )
Cruiser 386.385 ( -45.583 )
Battleship 484.290 ( -27.420 )
Bomber 4.744 ( -213 )
Destroyer 231.045 ( -10.308 )
Deathstar 1.200 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 3.154.607 ( -155.437 )
Reaper 2.539 ( -97 )
Pathfinder 23.263 ( -3.386 )
Attacker Hopaa [Ancients]
Light Fighter 407.096 ( -248.889 )
Heavy Fighter 182.679 ( -71.355 )
Cruiser 107.981 ( -15.348 )
Battleship 67.817 ( -4.155 )
Espionage Probe 310.700 ( -353.363 )
Bomber 21.025 ( -1.033 )
Destroyer 377.014 ( -16.916 )
Deathstar 977 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 26.629 ( -1.353 )
Reaper 11.078 ( -489 )
Pathfinder 95.532 ( -14.628 )
Attacker Berzelius [Ancients]
Small Cargo 630.385 ( -382.908 )
Light Fighter 6.385.066 ( -3.890.733 )
Heavy Fighter 263.737 ( -102.256 )
Cruiser 1.249.923 ( -178.761 )
Battleship 960.153 ( -58.641 )
Espionage Probe 1.312.681 ( -1.487.319 )
Bomber 48.324 ( -2.389 )
Destroyer 33.189 ( -1.522 )
Battlecruiser 168.181 ( -8.412 )
Reaper 26.335 ( -1.170 )
Pathfinder 135.820 ( -21.015 )
Attacker speedy [Ancients]
Light Fighter 1.526.867 ( -956.904 )
Cruiser 62.381 ( -9.579 )
Battlecruiser 540.310 ( -29.642 )
Reaper 169.399 ( -7.476 )
Defender Leonidas [RBR]
Defender DOCfather
Defender Namelless [RBR]
Defender Ombly [RBR]
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
0 metal, 0 crystal and 1.503.321.399 deuterium
The attacker lost a total of units.
The defender lost a total of 636.192.822.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float metal and 73.489.544.847 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 1.503.321.399 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 21%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 37.450.829.959
Crystal: 26.872.282.847
Deuterium: -6.476.219.601
The attacker(s) made a profit of 57.846.893.205 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -350.997.939.000
Crystal: -226.284.765.000
Deuterium: -60.413.439.399
The defender(s) lost a total of 637.696.143.399 units.