[TOT: 26.360.561.000] Alexandr vs. RALUCA (A:, D: 25.271.470.000)

  • incercăm să facem față luptei pachetelor între cei mai mari

    On 27-01-2024 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker Alexandr [Clan]


    Light Fighter 5.940.645

    Heavy Fighter 222.826

    Cruiser 193.840

    Battleship 141.300

    Destroyer 55.859

    Battlecruiser 150.011

    Reaper 20.072


    Defender RALUCA [SGC]


    Small Cargo 510

    Large Cargo 1.867.782

    Light Fighter 269

    Heavy Fighter 96

    Cruiser 25

    Battleship 116

    Colony Ship 5

    Recycler 7.734

    Espionage Probe 1.165

    Destroyer 3

    Deathstar 201

    Battlecruiser 70

    Reaper 3.481

    Pathfinder 4.273


    After the battle ...

    Attacker Alexandr [Clan]


    Light Fighter 5.824.862 ( -115.783 )

    Heavy Fighter 218.903 ( -3.923 )

    Cruiser 190.534 ( -3.306 )

    Battleship 138.931 ( -2.369 )

    Destroyer 54.993 ( -866 )

    Battlecruiser 147.726 ( -2.285 )

    Reaper 19.783 ( -289 )


    Defender RALUCA [SGC]




    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:

    600.510.780 metal, 600.510.780 crystal and 600.510.780 deuterium

    2.653.782.090 metal, 2.653.782.092 crystal and 478.371.111 deuterium

    1.190.669.217 metal, 3.378.249.942 crystal and 119.592.778 deuterium

    297.667.305 metal, 2.277.422.484 crystal and 29.898.195 deuterium

    74.416.826 metal, 4.583.484.053 crystal and 7.474.548 deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of units.

    The defender lost a total of 25.271.470.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float metal and 8.679.651.846 crystal.

    The attacker captured a total of 19.546.342.981 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.



    770.823.445 metal and 320.398.231 crystal

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 4.899.182.663

    Crystal: 13.473.100.582


    The attacker(s) made a profit of 19.548.473.657 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -17.446.600.218

    Crystal: -25.813.898.351

    Deuterium: -1.557.314.412

    The defender(s) lost a total of 44.817.812.981 units.

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    "Niciodata nu te certa cu un idiot. Te aduce la nivelul lui si te bate prin experienta." :ban: