[Top. 10] (PART 2) [TOT: 12.600.996.000] Sharky [Noob] vs. Vycky [F-D] (A: 3.885.564.000, D: 8.715.432.000)


    Am fost în vacanță ca tot omu, și mi-a reproșat alko că stau în vmode - da ce-am făcut șefu?

    Planul pe seara aceasta era să dau și eu un md unui sărman, ca băeții, însă pe drum m-am împiedicat de Vycky(rușine să-ți fie).

    Attacker Sharky [Noob]

    Small Cargo 332.707
    Large Cargo 12.501
    Light Fighter 155.335
    Cruiser 133.683
    Battleship 46.394
    Destroyer 52.092
    Battlecruiser 6.307

    Defender Vycky [F-D]

    Deathstar 868
    Rocket Launcher 17.716

    After the battle ...

    Attacker Sharky [Noob]

    Small Cargo 250.735 ( -81.972 )
    Large Cargo 9.439 ( -3.062 )
    Light Fighter 117.150 ( -38.185 )
    Cruiser 100.745 ( -32.938 )
    Battleship 35.134 ( -11.260 )
    Destroyer 39.219 ( -12.873 )
    Battlecruiser 4.798 ( -1.509 )

    Defender Vycky [F-D]


    The attacker has won the battle!
    The attacker captured:
    787.111.145 Metal, 787.111.146 Crystal and 136.618.709 Deuterium Metal, 242.032.697 Crystal and 34.154.677 Deuterium Metal, 60.508.174 Crystal and 8.538.669 Deuterium
    781.898.947 Metal, 15.127.044 Crystal and 2.134.668 Deuterium
    195.474.737 Metal, 3.781.761 Crystal and 533.667 Deuterium
    48.868.684 Metal, 945.440 Crystal and 133.416 Deuterium
    12.217.171 Metal, 236.360 Crystal and 33.354 Deuterium
    3.054.293 Metal, 59.090 Crystal and 8.339 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 3.885.564.000 units.
    Total damage attacker including follow-ups: 3.887.612.000 units.

    The defender lost a total of 8.715.432.000 units.
    Total damage defender including follow-ups: 8.792.698.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 3.309.990.500 metal and 2.397.988.500 crystal.
    Extra debris caused by the follow-up(s): 512.000 metal and 512.000 crystal.
    The attacker captured a total of 5.472.982.971 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
    The attacker(s) captured the debris.

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)
    Metal: 4.812.690.760
    Crystal: 2.212.521.212
    Deuterium: -454.149.501
    The attacker(s) made a profit of 6.571.062.471 units.

    Summary defender(s)
    Metal: -10.877.866.760
    Crystal: -6.381.359.712
    Deuterium: -1.414.043.499
    The defender(s) lost a total of 18.673.299.971 units.

    Profit/pierderi e totalul celor 2 valuri.

    MotanuD: nu-l ai pe MotanuD in lista de Y!M, nu existi!
    Nu faci fs albastru, nu existi.